English > Explore the Caves and Rock Formations of Capo Caccia

Dolce Vita combined with outstanding dive sites

The north-western part of Sardina around Alghero has a lot to offer, above and especially below sea-level. 

The caverns and caves

As a diver you get the chance to experience an adventure that is hidden from the thousands of tourists visiting the famous "Neptune's Cave" at Cappo Caccia each year.

Countless caverns are hidden below the surface, from small to cathedral-like. Most are diveable without special training, giving you the opportunity to glimpse into the field of cave-diving. For some, this adventure was even the reason for taking a cave-class.
Most caves boast rich marine life and some quite impressive fish and lobsters, hiding successfully from the countless fishermen...

Underwater life

The Cappo Caccia area offers perfect conditions for marine life. Sure, the Mediterranean is not as colorful as the Red Sea, but there are only a few places where you can see red coral and such massive amounts of soft corals.
Schools of Barrakudas, large Groupers and Octopus are likely to be encountered.