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PADI Open Water Diver

Wenn du dich schon immer gefragt hast, was unter der Oberfläche zu finden ist, ist jetzt die richtige Zeit, das herauszufinden. Beginne die Reise deines Lebens mit dem PADI Open Water Diver Kurs. Sie wird dich für immer verändern.

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PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

Mache weiter und erlebe echte Abenteuer mit dem PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Kurs. Während du den PADI Open Water Diver Level hinter dir lässt, machst du fünf Tauchgänge und erhältst so die Gelegenheit, einige der lehrreichsten und nützlichsten Specialty-Aktivitäten des Tauchsports auszuprobieren, wie z. B. Tieftauchen, Digitale Unterwasserfotographie, Wracktauchen und viele andere. Die dabei gelernten Fertigkeiten machen Tauchen zu viel mehr, als reinem Unterwasser-Sightseeing. Ausserdem bringt dich der Advanced Open Water Diver Kurs einen Schritt näher an den Master Scuba Diver – der ultimative nicht-professionelle Level des Sporttauchens.

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GUE Fundamentals

The GUE Fundamentals course is designed to cultivate the essential techniques required by all sound diving practice, irrespective of level or environment. Functioning as a prerequisite for all other GUE classes, save its recreational diver course (forthcoming), GUE Fundamentals performs a three-fold function within the GUE curriculum: 1) it provides the recreational diver, in whom there is no desire for further diver training, with a context in which to advance his/her basic diving skills, thereby developing more comfort, confidence, and competence in the water; and 2) it provides the diver with aspirations of more advanced diver training with the tools that will contribute to a greater likelihood of success; and 3) it provides non-GUE trained divers with a gateway into GUE training.

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GUE RecreationalTriOX

The Recreational TriOx course is a no decompression class structured to prepare divers for deeper recreational diving using proper equipment, diving techniques, and breathing mixtures. In this class, students will be introduced to the theory and practice of decompression and schooled in correct ascent procedures. Recreational TriOx training focuses on expanding the fundamental skills learned in the GUE Fundamentals course (or elsewhere) and is designed to cultivate, integrate, and expand the essential skills required for safe deeper diving. This will include problem identification and resolution, and building the capacity for progressively more challenging diving. In this class, students will be trained in: a) the use of single or double back gas tanks/cylinders and in the potential failure problems associated with them; b) the use of Nitrox and TriOx for extended bottom times; and c) the use of Helium to minimize narcosis, CO2, gas density, and post-dive "nitrogen stress."

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